
Posted on Friday, July 31, 2009 by Mrb

31 july 2009
dear diary,
singkat aja, td kan gw ngasi makan ikan kupang, makananya tuh gw kasih jentik2 dr got, nyehehe, skalian ngurangin nyamuk2an. trus, pas jentik2ny gw bagi2in ke ikan2 kupangny bwat mrk makan, tahu2 muncul armada nyamuk k arah gw! gile banyak lg! untung cuman nyamuk byasa... tp mengerikan! hiii!


Posted on Thursday, July 30, 2009 by Mrb

Attention! paper gw uda diralat dikit jadi ttg bioluminescence bay di pulau vieques dlm puerto rico. bioluminescence gw liat terjadi gara2 fosforesens, tp gw g tau itu ap, makanya mo gw cari tau bwat research paperny. klo ad yg tau itu ap pls blg! u 2 arin! o y, ini foto salah satu bioluminescencebtw, dua2 gambar ini foto manusia normal loh, cuman lg ad d laut bioluminescence bay aj... hebat y!?


Posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 by Mrb

29 July 2009
Hari ini gw membuat paper tentang Puerto Rico! baru introny doang si, tp gw semangat bikiny!! o, y, khansa jg uda masuk sekolah, kakeknya udah mendingan, Arin akhirnya baikan lg ama wasabi setelah sekian lama... brapa tahun si.... watever, gw juga uda tahu aki medusa maniak tarot suka ma syapa, opa cumi2 gepeng masi ngotot nyari tau arin suka ma syapa, trus.... aplg yg update y.... o y, 9p drama daynya film hairspray gw jd ednanya, eyang uti pecinta cowo seksi oho2 homo2 jd velma, vai jd tracy, trus 9y bkin lil mermaid dgn alnis sbg arielny. dah! itulah hal2 yg uda update, sisanya gw post sesuatu nanti lagi

Sorry Yee...

Posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 by Mrb


selamat malam epribodi... sudah sekian lama sejak terakhir aq menulis blogku.... maklum dah kelas 9 jd banyak kerjaan. T.T~ jadi... untuk para polowers yang dengan rendah hati bersedia mengikuti kegiatan2ku di blog ini, saya mohon maaf karena nulisnya ngeskip2x JADI.... andaikata para polowersku ada yang secara kebetulan bertemu denganku di mana gitu... mohon jangan melakukan protes ataupun penindasan karena q jarang2 ngepost... ampuun, sang mrb life juga manusia byasa koq... bukan ikan...

15 Mei 2009

Posted on Friday, May 15, 2009 by Mrb

dear diary,

today was a very funny day, i dunno y. so i thought it was just cuz of the mood. although it was raining, my friends and i were very happy, well... actually we became happy after what happens in snack time. i'll let u know. c, before the snack time, we were very cloudy... khansa, tasya, manda, arin, and me. we were in our own thoughts, and quite too. khansa was deep in her own thoughts, i dunno what. tasya was active today, manda was movie-sick again, arin was bored and sleepy, and i... was normal.
i have some kinda bad habit. i just can't eat neatly, the leftovers of the food are always all over my mouth, i even once messed up my green tea frapuccino on my mouth... and I drank it with a straw... true story... unbelievable? believe it...
anyway... after we finished our snack at snack time, i asked khansa when we were climbing the stairs, "Hey, khans, is my mouth messed up?" i asked anxiosly. and guess what she answered! "Like a vampire..." then i just stopped and stare at her, confused.
then, i asked tasya, "hey, tasy, s'my mouth messed up?" and she answered without even a glance, "it's all over you face!" she said. "seriously!" i rolled my eyes, i thought, what's wrong with these people today, then i asked manda who wasn't paying attention, well, nobody actually did... "man, is my mouth messed up?" this time, i asked her with a sigh. and she just looked at me, and stare blankly... i think she missheard me... but she actually anwered! well, her answer didn't make any sense though... she said, "YO, YO, YO!" and i stared for a moment... i thought, what question would have an answer such as that...
then, i asked arin with the same question... i was thinking what creative answer would this girl give... and she answered simply yet dicisively, "no."
then i started to laugh, and arin also realized what happened, and she started to laugh with an odd face. i laughed harder cuz of her face, and she laughed even harder when she saw my face that blushed like a crab, and she fell to the staircase and sit ther like a crazy person, laughing... and there goes our odd yet fun day


Tragedi Situ Gintung
karya Mrb

Terdengar air mengalir deras
Bersamaan dengan aliran air mata
Jeritan tangis dan rasa sakit
Mengalir seiring terjadinya tragedi

Mobil, rumah, harta, serta jiwa
Direbut dan dihanyutkan dalam sekejap
Tak ada lagi ranjang untuk tidur
Tak ada lagi waktu untuk berfikir
Semua terhapus semudah mengedipkan mata

Meskipun air surut
Meskipun banjir mereda
Namun kesedihan tidak kunjung surut
Namun keluarga tidak kunjung kembali
Tak terasa lagi kehangatan rumah tangga
Kepekaan hiduplah yang terhanyutkan

Begitu banyak jiwa yang tinggal
Hilang begitu saja dengan mudahnya
Tubuh yang dipenuhi luka
Entah lebih menyakitkan luka tubuh atau luka hati
Ingin menyalahkan, tapi toh apa gunanya?
Ingin menyalahkan namun tetap tak bisa melawan arus waktu

Tak ada lagi tersisa
Tak ada yang tertinggal
Hanya kepedihan yang tinggal
Hanya keputus asaan yang menemani mereka

nice 2 meet u

Posted on Sunday, May 10, 2009 by Mrb

Hi, thanks 4 visiting my blog. I'm new here so i guess my posts aren't that many... but i will absolutely write as many as i can... positively... possibly... hopefully... nah, just kidding^.^, i guess. well... s a starter, i'll introduce myself 2 u all... my full name is Ariella Shana Katoppo... here i'll write about my life, activities, and maybe my workings, nice 2 meet u! 4 more information, c @ the 'i'm myself'. well, c ya!!! ^_^~ (;"D